Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Spidey Halloween

This year's Halloween was actually a lot of fun.  Actually, the older the boys get, the more fun most things are.  Thomas has talked on and off about what he wanted to be since last year.  First, he wanted to be a rat.  Yep, a rat.  No, I don't know where he got that idea, except that we had a mouse in the house last year.  I told him the only good rat was one in a trap.  So, then he was going to be a rat in a trap!  That would have been fun!  However, he got over it. phew!!  In the last couple of months he has discovered the fun of super heros, so that's what he wanted to be.  I thought I'd be stuck paying lots of money for something for one night (some of you may remember from last year, I hate spending money for costumes!).  Then, surprise!  Audra's wonderful neighbor gave her a whole bin of halloween costumes.  Thomas found all sorts of thing to choose from and Spiderman was the final decision!

He got to dress up for both our churches Harvest Festival and Trick-or-Treating.

Benjamin, being the younger brother not yet old enough to have his own opinion, got to be Spiderman's Spider (thanks to a new friends creative suggestion).  He has a spiderman shirt on and then homemade legs. (yes, I know spider's have 8 legs, his arms count for 2 of them it was just too hot to wear the red shirt underneath)

Heading up to Grandma & Grandpa Matlock's for some trick or treating.  They were both very into this whole thing this year.

Ben was excited to share his balloons.  Thomas patiently waited for his treat.

We were then off to go around G&G's court.  Just the right amount!!  It was extra fun getting to go with Jared's parents.  More to enjoy watching the boys!

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