Tuesday, November 1, 2011

brothers, underwear & popsicles

I love my boys!  I love seeing them love one another!!  I recently captured just some of their many sweet moments together (and none of their not-so-sweet moments!).

They've discovered a show that is narrated tractors and big trucks doing their work.  It's hilarious what fascinates kids!!  Benjamin was enamored with it and the two sat happily on this bench together for almost the whole show

Later that day, while I was folding laundry, these two boys became superhero-underwear-heads.  There's so much you can do as underwear heros, Thomas informed me and then the two went on to show me.  I LOVE it.  The creativity and just the simple fun.

Hero Pose (look how serious Thomas is)

Underwear-head Superheros can ride bikes,

 and play T-ball.  They can also run, race, jump, dive, clean up the playroom, eat dinner, have snack, but not take baths!

More outside fun!!  Since the weather has stayed extra nice lately, we've enjoyed many Popsicle and usually outside.  When I saw them sitting against the door, sharing, laughing and enjoying their treat together, I couldn't help but snap as many photos as I could get before the moment was over.

I love these two sweet heads!

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