So last week we were pulling into the driveway and Thomas exclaimed,
"Look Mom! It's fall!!"
He was so excited because in his mind fall happens when leaves fall. He doesn't understand that it's the entire couple of months, not just the times when the leaves fall. It's sweet really.
Well, little did he know that falling leaves would get to be picked up. He was super excited to help Jared rake. He'd get to use his own rake!!
So, while Jared was off part of our fun was raking leaves. We made it through one tree in the front yard before we filled the yard waste. That worked out great because the other one had just started. The lawn is once again covered.
Anyhow, check out the family fun! Even Benjamin got into the fun!
What fun is raking leaves if you can't throw some around a little!
He's such a hard worker. It's amazing how much energy he has. He just bounces from spot to spot, raking and scooping.
Benjamin was assigned the first round of smashing down the leaves in the trash can.
When Thomas momentarily slowed down, Benjamin was excited to get a turn with the rake.
Love this sweet little boy!! (yes, he's still in his jammies)
Check out Thomas expression in the second picture. It looks like he's explaining something to Jared. "Well Daddy, what about that leaf?!"
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