Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving with the Family

This year we continued the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving with my parents and Jared's parents.  We all came together at my parents house in Roseville.  Audra cooked the Turkey & Dad bbq'd a tri-tip, the rest of us brought the yummy side dishes.  I tried out a sweet potato puree which is going to be a new tradition!!

Thomas has joined the olive on the fingers club!

The little ones had fun playing with Grandma Matlock

Yes, Ben still gets a bottle and with a funny nap day, he wanted this over Turkey!!

Grandpa M. and Thomas having fun!

These 2 are just a month a part and were so much fun to watch.  They had the best time playing through the gate.

Then you throw Thomas in the mix and it gets even more crazy.  We made them sit still for a picture and a quiet moment!

Having fun reaching for each other, poking and shouting and yes, even kissing...

Dish duty after dinner, I snagged a picture of my boys with both of the Grandma's!

Another attempt at a cousin picture... someday I'll get a good one!

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