Monday, May 7, 2012


Thomas has love pre school this year.  He's loved his friends, learning and recess.  He loves feeling like a big kid and doing big kid stuff.  The experience of being away from home really has matured him.  He just seems so much older as we get closer and closer to the end of the year.  I can't believe he's just weeks from being a kindergartner!!

As the year wraps up, the school does their last big fundraiser, a bike-a-thon.  All the kids bring their bike to school decorated, a police officer comes to teach on bicycle safety and then the kids ride around in a circle for 20 minutes.  It was pretty entertaining to watch.  Some of the kids learned to ride on 2 wheels, just for the event, some are pros and speeding around everyone (you can see the macho guy stuff already).  One kids chain kept falling off, so he just ran a few laps.  Thomas' pedal came off.  Some were on scooters keeping up with the bikes!!  All in all it was just plain fun and a day I'm sure Thomas will remember when he thinks back on pre school!!

Benjamin came along to watch.  We brought his scooter just in case.  He so desperately wanted to be a big kid.  He got to do a little next to his big brother, but otherwise he stuck close to Grandma and me.  (You should see him go, he's the fastest 1 and a half year old i've ever seen!!)

The boys switched vehicles for a little after Thomas' pedal fell off.  Check out his bike, he wanted a Star Wars themed bike.  With Daddy's help, they attached his mini-light saber and drew some cool guys.  He loved it.

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