Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thoughts on Potty Training

First, thought is I should have tried this a year ago. When you try sooner, they are less opinionated, for the most part, will follow what you ask. It would have been harder to train his bladder, but now I'm training his attitude!

Next, you know that saying, "he's more afraid of you than you are of it". Only applies to spiders, not to potty training. In this situation, I'm definitely more afraid of the work of potty training, than Thomas is. This, what I thought, "horrible situation" that I thought was worth avoiding... not true. I could have saved at least one jumbo pack of diapers if I would have just sucked it up!!

Finally, it's amazing the pride you feel when you see your little guy running around in big boy pants, even if he just peed in the last pair! Jared and I just smiled at each other with the twinkle of pride and a smidge of sadness over the fact that he's growing up.

Now, we are no where near being done with this whole process. Just two days in really. He has yet to poop in the potty. He has learned already: how to take his own clothes off, go by himself, that peeing-on-a-bush-just-because-you-can-really is a lot of fun.

I still wonder if one day in the next couple of weeks he would have just done it himself, but with this baby coming, I'm glad we've given it a go this week. And I must admit... all you friends out their in facebook world have kicked my butt! You're efforts stirred up the competitive/ afraid to-be-left-behind side of me. There's no way my son was going to be the last one. So thank you, for sharing that you were doing it and letting my petty, well if they can do it, so can I attitude come out! I know, I know, that's the mature way to go about making decisions, especially for my children. But hey, if it got Thomas on the toilet this time...

I'll keep y'all posted.

1 comment:

AML said...

Way to go Thomas! And way to go Mama! We are knee deep in potty training too. My best advice (having helped potty train several toddlers while doing child care) is once you start, just go for it all the way. No more diapers (except nap and bedtime). It will be/is a lot of work and requires a lot of patience (and a lot of laundry to be done), but he will get it if he realizes that this is the new normal. He is such a smart boy. He'll be pooping on the potty in no time. I can't believe I just typed that last sentence. Good luck, girl!