Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day Celebration

Mother's Day was a wonderful time spent with our little family. We had a great morning at church, that started a with a trip to the donut shop! yum-o!! Then followed with a day not having to cook or do the dish, that was my only request. We made a quick trip back to the house and then headed down to Fairfield to get our name on the big list at Mimi's. It was over an hour wait because we didn't make reservations.... oh well, we knew what we were getting in for when we decided not to stay home. We used up the wait time by leisurely walking around Babies R'Us to see just what our little baby boy still needed.

We made it back to Mimi's in plenty of time and had a wonderful brunch. Delicious french toast!! We then headed back home for a wonderful nap!! The evening was spent running little errands, nothing too exciting, but something I love doing with both Jared and Thomas. Somehow that makes them more fun and less chore-like. We spent the evening watching a movie and just relaxing.

It was a great day! I felt very loved and was reminded once again, just how blessed I am! Thank you Lord for giving me more than I deserve. May I serve my family with your love and never forget they are a treasured gift from you.

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