Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Love this boy!

Thomas has got to be one of the funniest little people I have ever met. He's carrying real conversations and asking complete questions. His current favorite response is "I don't think so." or "I think so." instead of yes or no. The things he comes up with amaze me.

He is also making the funniest little faces with such funny expressions. Most of them are close to impossible to catch on camera, but got him hammin' it up the other night.

This is his excited face. Notice Buzz in the background, they go everywhere. I'm pretty sure he was saying "to infinity and beyond."

Here he is after bath time, just before bed time. One of his craziest times of the evening. It's like the bath bubbles fill him with all sorts of silliness. He loves to hide under this towel and run around or even just to be snuggied up. He always finds me after bath time with daddy and he's wrapped up. As soon as I can see him, he throws off the towel and shouts "nakey time!!" Then precedes to crack himself up with his wonderful-room-filling laugh that I hope he never looses.
Here is a picture of that laugh, I sure wish it came with sound. One of these days I'll catch it on the video camera.

My favorite little boy with his great smile!


Persicke Family said...

Such a big boy... Happy Birthday Thomas!

Alexis said...

so many sweet memories! and what a precious smile!