Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun Around the House

Thomas is a growing boy and his toys are growing up with him. Not only did we get the tent from Jared's parents, but we also got a great box of legos!! These are Jared's childhood legos that he spent hours playing with, they then made it into the classroom, now they are filling our house with hours of fun! Thomas looks forward to daddy getting home so that they can play legos. We tried to hide them for awhile in the garage, just until he was a little older, but he found them and they are back in the house. He does such a good job with them and it's such a fun thing for the two of them to do together. I love listening to them talk about what they are playing and just hearing Thomas ask to play with them.
Thomas is not the biggest fan of coloring. I'm beginning to think it's because he likes it done right. He always asks for help because he wants it done a certain way. I'm trying to encourage him to just do his best in hopes that he'll find it fun and enjoy being creative. We'll see... with that being said, though, he did break out the crayons on his own the other day and planted himself in a little patch of sunshine. We spent some time practicing some of his letters. He's become an expert at writing a "T," down and across and across he says as he writes it. We're working on the rest of his name. He just might have that down before he's potty trained! (that's a whole separate post right there)

He quickly moved on from the coloring to making a musical instrument with the crayons and a oatmeal container. He then marched around the house shaking that and singing. I think I better encourage him to go after the music side of his creativity.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

sounds like great fun. i can't wait for nathan to be able to build lego ships, etc. you can really see their imaginations work as they build. so neat that you are able to observe his reasoning for wanting to color it right. encouraging his musical creativity sounds like an excellent plan. not everyone is blessed with that talent so if he has the interest already, that is amazing. thanks for sharing some fun playtime ideas.