Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Like Daddy

It's so much fun to see the little ways that Thomas tries to be just like Jared. He has shown a fascination for tools as he plays with his tool bench. He's curious about how things work. He loves to be outside when Jared is working on things. And he also seems to like "techy"things.

Technology really is ridiculous. Jared just recently got a Droid, it's basically the iPhone for Verizon. He's loving it and so is Thomas. When ever Jared pulls it out, Thomas is quickly at his side asking what he is doing. Jared has some games on the phone for Thomas to play and I was amazed at how quickly Thomas picked them up. It cracks me up to watch him kicking back, holding it and playing the game correctly. It's like it's natural.

Here's Thomas playing with Jared's pants (Jared loves this one!). He announced that he wanted to dress just like daddy, so he put on his pants and his shoes. He cracked himself up as he pulled the pants up and then dropped them. He had me laughing as well.
Can't wait to see what other traits of Jared's he picks up!! (Someday I'll have to write about my traits that he copies, but for now we'll keep them a secret. Of course those would reveal too much about me!!)

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