Thursday, December 31, 2009

Big Brother Thomas

That's right! Thomas is going to be a big brother!! I am 12 weeks pregnant and we are so excited to meet another little baby in July 2010. We found out just a few weeks before Thanksgiving and decided to keep the news a secret until both of our families were together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Well, my sister dropped out and then Jared's sister's family couldn't come. We decided to go ahead and still surprise our parents. So, we bought Thomas this shirt and held our breath. My parents were first to arrive and about 45 minutes later, they still hadn't said anything. Finally, I sent my dad in to read it and he said, "really!!" Mom couldn't believe it was true, she figured since we hadn't said anything, it was just a hand-me-down. Oh well. They of course were thrilled!! Jared's parents arrived shortly after and dad sent Linda in to read it right away. They were both very excited of course and Thomas was excited to then tell them he is a "big brother."

Thomas continues to be more and more excited to be a big brother. He is so sweet the way he asks about the baby and even occasionally talks to my belly. At first when we asked him if he wanted a sister or brother, he would just reply a baby. Now he talks about the baby sister that is coming to live at his house and share his toys. For now, he is excited to share and even shares his most beloved belongings with my belly. He has stuffed both Buzz Lightyear and his blue blankies under my shirts to share with the baby. His sweetness has brought me close to tears several times!

So far, physically, this pregnancy has been a lot like it was with Thomas. Just overall sick and nauseous and very tired. The last two weeks have been better as far as the tummy goes, but I just can't seem to get enough sleep..... but really, is that ever going to happen now?! The one thing that is different is I'm much more emotional. Crying easier at commercials and movies, offended easier and just a little more crabby. I'm starting to feel like those crazy pregnant ladies you see in the movies and on TV. Hoping with some prayer and patience, that will go away (or at least calm down.) It does have me wondering if it is a little girl in there though and I just have to much "girlie" emotions/hormones in me right now!

We've been to our first appointment already and everything is good so far! The doctor's first reaction when finding the baby on the ultrasound was, "you have a wiggly worm!" It was amazing to see the little one kicking their feet and waving their arms all around. Active already, yikes!!

We will keep you all posted on how everything is going. Blogging hasn't been as productive because of the holidays and lack of energy and the fact that blogger doesn't seem to like out picture folder!! Nonetheless, we will keep you all up on how this little one is growing and if we're having a boy or girl. Just 8 more weeks until the big ultrasound. Praying this one's as cooperative as their older brother!!


Alexis said...

How exciting! Hope you get to feeling better soon. So cute to hear Thomas already bonding with his little sibling (Nate has had fun doing the same). Love his Big Brother shirt. He is wearing it with pride. Be sure to keep us (who live too far away to be there with you) up to date with how the pregnancy is going. We will be praying for your precious little Bundle. God's timing is perfect, isn't it?

natalie said...

i've been waiting for this post...congrats!

tommysmommy said...

Thanks girls! His timing truly is perfect! I'll keep the updates coming.