Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just a Funny Thomas Story

Lately, Thomas has been "afraid" of loud noises. Not really afraid, just enjoying reacting and pointing out if things are "too loud."

Yesterday, we took a walk to the mailbox. Well, I walked. He took off running as soon as we got to the end of the driveway. He took off at lightening speed and ran straight towards the mailbox. He came within mere feet of reaching his destination when all of the sudden a skill saw was started up behind the fence right by the mailboxes. Thomas came to a screeching halt, turned around as fast as he could and bolted right back towards me. He had a look of fear and surprise. I, being the consoling mother that I am, burst into laughter. Thomas seeing my reaction began smiling, but kept running. When he caught up to me, I did reassure him that all was alright and it was just our nice neighbor making a project. He walked with me to the mailbox, but when the noise wouldn't stop, ran home to wait for me inside where it was quiet.

It was so funny to see his speed and course change so quickly. I love experiencing new sounds and situations with him. Thomas just jumps in full speed ahead and simply enjoys everything!

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