Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Favorite

"Hop, hop jump in! Come on, let's go!"

Thomas was in need of some new big boy toys, so off we went to Target. His latest obsession is Handy Manny, he loves the tools. We had to run several errands and I left the toy shopping for very last. First we went to Lowes, where he had to check out the tool section, he was fascinated! Then on to some more errands, which he wasn't too impressed with. Finally, we made it to Target to the Handy Manny section. Best trip to Target ever. Thomas took it right off the shelf, pushed the button to make the toys sing and "hop" and then proceeded to laugh his famous belly laugh out loud. We had to keep moving so it was step, step, stop, push the button, laugh, step, step... so on through the entire store. It melted my heart as others we passed couldn't help but laugh or smile as they saw this two year old getting so much joy out of his new toy, struggling to walk, hold it and push the button all at the same time. (and it was a struggle for both of us to walk, trust me I tried to hold the toy, but he wouldn't let it go)

The toy continues to be a hit. The whole way home we sang the song it loves to sing. Thomas even gave it a hug and said, "I love my tools, they're my favorite." A phrase he has repeated several times. This morning as he woke up far too early, knocked on his door to get out and as soon as the door was open he tried to run right past me exclaiming, "MY TOOLS!!!!" (you see we had to keep them in the other room otherwise no one would have slept!)

1 comment:

Audra said...

He is so cute! I can't wait to see him with his new tool set!