Monday, September 21, 2009

Precious Baby

Yesterday I got to be part of God's precious miracle, the birth of my 2nd cousin. Jakob Paul Nelson was born to Molly & Jeff and big brother Timmy at 9:45am 19 inches, 7 pounds and 12 ounces. Everyone is overjoyed and healthy. I stood in awe of God as I was reminded of just how amazing His creation is. Our bodies, as women, were made to give birth. The body knows just what to do! And that little baby that comes out is a pure picture of God's hand in creation, right down to the smallest detail. I was so blessed to be a part of this special day!!

I joined Molly and Jeff at the hospital Sunday morning ready with breakfast for Jeff and something yummy waiting for Molly. I got to visit with them and hear just how the night had gone (she checked in around 10pm Saturday night). It had not been a comfortable night, but filled with rest, the hospital room-contraction-epidural kind of rest, and delivery wasn't too far away. She was progressing steadily, the doctor said at 8:10 but only at a "6". We chatted some more, made some phone calls and Molly even put on some make-up and brushed her teeth, it was a great distraction. 9:15 the doctor was back in and said it was time to push!! Uncle Allan (molly's dad) and I took our place behind the curtain and waited for that precious cry.
Molly amazed me through this! I could hear that contagious laugh of hers between pushes. The nurses kept her happy and distracted and God blessed her with strength (and a great epidural!). By 9:45 Uncle Allan and I had our eyes filled with tears at the screams of Jakob. The best sound in the world!!!

The next hours were filled with family and all the new baby check-ups. Big brother Timmy got to meet his new baby, which went just great and we all got to take turns holding him. I had the blessing of getting to stay behind with Molly and Jakob as everyone else left to get lunch. The room was quiet for a whole 30 minutes, no nurses, no visitors, just the three of us. Molly took advantage of this and slept, she so needed that!! I took advantage of it by holding the new bundle. I was able to pray blessings for him and all of our boys as they grow up, sit and bask in the glory God's creation, and just simply enjoy my new cousin. It was a great day!

Welcome little Jakob, your life is blessed already! You have wonderful parents, a great big brother and an extended family that loves you to pieces. God has blessed you with a house filled with laughter and love and I pray he will fill you will a love for Him, our Savior!! May the Lord truly bless you and keep you!!

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