Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Please Pass the Peas

Frozen Peas, really now?

Yesterday Thomas introduced himself to frozen peas. In my family frozen peas are for when you bonk yourself. Run into something, fall, stub your toe, smash your finger? Use a bag of frozen peas! Less mess and they form to the boo-boo area. Well, yesterday Thomas bonked his knee and he actually let me put the peas on his knee. He soon discovered the bag was open and decided to try this new vegetable. He actually liked them. He couldn't get enough and has had them with dinner the last two nights.

This is shocking to me because I hate peas!! Yes it was a new vegetable to him. He had them all smashed up once or twice, but i gaged every time he had them and I never cook them. My friend once told me that her mom instituted a rule when they were young. They were all allowed one vegetable they never had to eat. I love this and will use this in our home and that's right, peas are my vegetable!! We'll see what Thomas decides. Much to my chagrin, it isn't peas for now!!

What would your vegetable be?

1 comment:

Audra said...

That is one wierd child! PEAS?!?!?

He does look pretty happy with them!