Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun For All!!

Last weekend the three of us had a great weekend! Last Friday we took Thomas to my parents house to spend the weekend, so we could go wine tasting with friends on Saturday. It was great!! Thomas had the best time with his auntie and grandparents and we were reminded what life was like before kids, and how much we love life with a toddler!
We went to a friends house for dinner with 3 other families and stayed up until 12 playing games. Then, came home to watch a movie. Saturday we were up early and out the door headed over to Napa. There were 5 couples split into a girl car and a boy car. Such a blast. We toured Rubicon, Francis Ford Copalla's winery, and several others. I highly recommend Rubicon. So interesting and absolutely beautiful. We finished the evening with a grown-up dinner out. All adults around the table able to eat whatever we wanted, talk as long as we wanted all that without interuption. We were back in Vacaville by 8 that evening and finished the night at one of the couple's homes for snacks and games. We were home by 12. Sunday we were able to sleep in and made it to church on time. It was great to be footloose and fancy free, but it warmed my heart to see Thomas excited to see us and to give him a big hug.
It was a weekend that made me thankful for friends, times of laughing until I cry, and a wonderful husband. The time away from Thomas made me love him even more and appreciate the blessing that being a mom is.

1 comment:

AML said...

what a fun time! loved seeing all your smiling faces in the pic.