Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sweetest Boy

I believe it is my job as the mother of a future man & husband, to raise a gentleman. To raise this little boy to be a great husband. One that is kind, loving and well prepared. Meaning he will open doors, say please & thank you, will pay compliments and notice the things to give compliments for. Also, he will know how to cook, do laundry and clean a toilet. No, I'm not being a feminist in this, I don't think that's his role as a man, but yes I firmly believe he should know how to do these things. He will not be a sissy about this, and will take care of things a manly man should. I pray every day he is a man that loves the Lord above all else and that the Lord gives him wisdom. I pray he is a man of integrity and kindness. These are the things I strive for as the mother of a future man & husband. These things must be trained and taught to him now, so in effort to do this I find myself saying suttle things and pointing things out. Helping him give compliments and letting him open doors for me. Last week I saw this sweetness and kindness in him. He was given 5 stickers at Trader Joe's. He was so excited about them. He looked at them and talked about them the entire 20 minute drive home. When we got home he said, "Here Mommy!" and gave me a sticker. He then proceeded to fill my entire arm with his stickers. It touched my heart. Yes, it's a silly little thing, but to me it spoke volumes. He shared something that he was excited about with his mommy. That is my sweet boy!! Now to work on the toilets and disobedience!

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