Thursday, April 9, 2009

Playroom Makeover

Every other week our mom's group gets together. Part of our normal routine is sharing a tip. The three organizers take turns sharing something for the kids, the kitchen or the home. My responsibility is the home. I found this great article in Parent's magazine and pulled some info from their and a few other magazines/blogs I had read recently. They were great suggestions. I realized, once again, that I should be putting these tips up for the mom's that missed, mom's that left their papers on accident and all my blogging friends. Hope you enjoy and look for more on Thursdays!

Playroom Makeovers
Keeping Mom & Kids Happy!!

1) Designate a special area. Whether it’s a room or part of a room, the kids and you need an area where all things play are stored and usually used. When there is a spot for playing and not just storing, everyone is happier.

2) Their special carrier. Each kid needs a bag or a container for their “toys of the week.” Those special things that seem to show up everywhere that they use constantly, but will most likely give up the following week.

3) Labeled and Specified Storage. Shelf baskets, bookshelves and bin organizers that are labeled and categorized for all of their playthings. Whether it’s cars, games or craft supplies, make sure they are grouped and stored together for both easy pick-up and playtime.

4) Play areas. Areas like “The Building Zone,” “Art Center,” “Fantastic Forts” all need their own places. This tells the kids where it is safe to play and always ok to have their mess. It should be somewhere out of the way and preferably for everyone in their “Playroom.”

5) Help you kids let things go. Have several times of the year where they give their toys away, whether it’s a garage sale or passing them onto a family in need. Let them know this time is going and build it up as a great and exciting thing. When they have less toys around they are more likely to play with them.

Fun Tips:
Have a coloring table Laminate cardstock for re-use
Clear Shoe Bins Open shelving w/ open containers
Pictures for labels Re-use cardboard and shoe boxes
Frame their artwork Use lots of bright colors
Use colorful buckets for bins and hang them on the wall

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