My mother swears Thomas will grow up to be this marvelous muscian. He has musical fingers, can hear pitch and carries rythm, she says. I'm not so sure as I lack the musical talents of my mother's family and my husband. However, I do believe music comes from within, a gift God weaves through our make-up. We'll see what develops, but I do enjoy seeing little signs of these musical talents.
Jared plays the guitar and has brought it out more recently. Thomas loves to listen, but more than anything he loves to strum along. Jared gives him his own pic, which he now knows to ask for, and they strum together. On Sunday mornings during rehershal, he will often times spend the length of one song on stage either dancing, bopping up and down or "helping" daddy play. It's one of my favorite things about Sunday's. Seeing him grow up in the church around people that love the Lord and love to serve!
Around the house he's know to turn many things into drums. Just last week we had our own episod of "Elmo's World" in the office (I couldn't help but think of Wayne's World). He found my candle holder's in the garage sale pile, flags (I apologize to our country for the mis-use of the flag... ) in the decoration pile and set-up his own set. Soon he began singing along with his "music" when I heard him singing. I didn't think too much of it as he's talking non-stop these days, but soon realized he was belting out "Elmo's World" repetedly. He wasn't singing the song if you're familaar with the show, just that one phrase. It left me cracking up and running for the camera. Sorry for the awkward angle, but just had to capture the moment. One thing I wasn't able to capture was the serious look on his face as he was beating the drums when he wasn't singing. He had the most serious concentrated face on.
I just can't wait to see what comes of all this playtime with music. I know all kids love music and love to experiment with things that make sound. I'm not claiming Thomas as a savant by any means, just enjoying the growth! We'll see if his grammy's right over the next few years.
1 comment:
since his daddy seems to know how to play every instrument in the worship band on sunday mornings...i'm guessing thomas will have a bit of musical talent/interest in him somewhere. you'll have a family band going before you know it. maybe you could play the tambourine...
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