Monday, December 22, 2008

Chrismas with the 2T's

As I wrote the other day, Christmas has begun and the first celebration was with Thomas & Timmy's families. They had so much fun together, that I thought they needed their own blog! They spent the day playing with toys (and taking toys from one another), watching "Bob" (VeggieTales) complete with blankets and snuggies on the sofa, eating at their own table, jumping in the crib and getting cozy in the pj's. It is so much fun for Molly and I to watch them explore things together and just enjoy one another's company.

Tackling one another in the crib (don't worry, Timmy was laughing)

They got some major air bouncing up and down. They were laughing the whole time!!

Waving "good bye" to Poppie and Gigi, just as they had greeted them, loudly and full of excitement and anticipation.

I guess they figured this looked like a good cozy spot to snuggle in...

And for the sake of posterity...

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