Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Free Legos

Jared has always been a great example of always trusting the Lord with our money. (I mean the Lord's money that He entrusts us with!) Recently, we've been doing a little more of that.  I've seen our grocery budget stretch and make it.  One paycheck period it just seemed to multiply like the Feeding of the 5,000, there was just always enough.  God stretched us and then it was as if He say, "See, you can trust me."

"What does this have to do with Lego's?", I'm sure you are asking by now.  Well, Jared had the day off and we decided to get out of the house for some family fun.  We wandered on down to Ikea and then over to the Sacramento Mall where they had a Lego store. 

Before going in we decided Thomas could fill a small bucket with the Lego bins they have on this amazing wall.  It's all sorts of round bins with the Legos separated by shape and color.  They even have ones with the flowers, steering wheels and fancy connectors.  It's so cool!!  Thomas hadn't made it that far because he was fascinated with all the sets.  While looking at one, this couple came up to us with an offer.  They had a coupon they had been given for a box to fill off the lego wall.  They had two of them.  They wanted to GIVE one to each of the boys.  They were so sweet and just wanted to share it. We were so excited!!  I told Jared, "It's like God just handed us free Legos!!"  But seriously, it was such a fun blessing, a cool little gift to be thankful for!!

The boys had a great time walking along the wall picking out the shapes they wanted.  Jared and I sprung for a blue square plate to build on!  We got home and the boys spent the next 3 hours building away!

Jared managed to count the Legos... about 420!!

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