Friday, August 19, 2011

Thomas' First Day of School

Here they sit, all ready for some cozy time before Thomas heads off to his first day of school. He came running out of bed excited to announce that he was going to school. That excitement lasted all morning and thankfully all the way into the classroom.Here he is, back-pack and all!! He picked out his shirt and Old Navy just for this very day. (Doesn't B look already to go as well!)

Here he is walking onto the campus, looking like a big boy!

Thomas is in the yellow room with Miss Tiffani and Miss Patty.
We got to spend the morning hanging out in the classroom with him. We checked out the toys, the play dough and the sand table. Then the parents left for an orientation and came back and met them at the playground just 45 minutes later.
Thomas loved it and was more than ready to head back wednesday, friday and lots more, he informed us. The reality of this didn't sink in for me until friday when I dropped him off and then had to figure out what B and I were going to do for three hours. We managed, but sure did miss him. I'm back to talking to a little guy that can't respond!

1 comment:

Persicke Family said...

Very Sweet! He looked SO happy on Sunday, and all grown up!! I love that he is in the yellow room.. do that have a blue room too? That is what we had when I was in preschool.