Faith Community continues their tradition of an easter egg hunt at the park. Such great fun. Thomas totally knew what to do this year without any instruction. Benjamin even got in some of the action. It really is a wonderful time of fellowship, just enjoying some good ol family fun with the church family!
Here's Benjamin at his first hunt. He collected a whole four eggs!

Thomas getting ready for take off with an empty basket.

Easter egg's were everywhere, he could hardly stand it. He took off in the wrong direction and I should have just left him. By the time he got over to the pre-school section it was almost cleared out. Oh well, his basket was plenty full!!

Checking out his finds with bud J. They've done every hunt together (except the first) and it's so much fun looking at how they've grown.

Faith COmmunity continues their tradition of an easter egg hunt at the park. Such great fun. Thomas totally knew what to do this year without any instruction.
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