Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Having Fun with Thomas

With baby on the way, I've been careful to enjoy all the little things with Thomas. We've been having great fun!! He's become such a big boy!! He's totally potty trained, even pooping in the toilet now. He can dress himself and likes to pick out his own clothes to wear. He loves to sit and read books. Play dough keeps him entertained forEVER. Toy Story characters are his favorite thing in the whole world. He can't wait to see the movie on Friday and his favorite thing to do with mommy is to go to Target just to push Buzz's buttons. He loves to give hugs and just snuggle, although he thinks it's hilarious to wipe of every kiss I give him. He doesn't like to take naps and makes a horrible noise just to get me to come into the room. He's found his own voice and love for making his own decisions, this has resulted in all sorts of trouble, tantrums and arguments. Jared and I are learning the true meaning of discipline and trying to get to his heart. God has blessed us with this little guy, oops, I mean big boy. I can't wait to start this next phase of his life and see him become a great big brother!!

His tattoo shirt of stickers from the guy at Trader Joes. Not sure what inspired, but he insisted on taking of his shirt and using them all on his body.

Checking out the baby seat. He thought it was a great spot to watch Toy Story. I can't believe he just use to fit in this.

Roasting a marshmallow before dinner for a super special treat.

1 comment:

AML said...

what a sweet post! he really is a big boy now. looks all ready to become a great big brother TOMORROW! we are so excited for the arrival of the newest member to your family.