Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Patio Project

The cement is poured, the patio is complete!!

Just a few more plants to be put in the ground then project: backyard is complete!! I can't wait to show you all pictures of the completed project!! For now here's the progression of the backyard work!

First to be done was to get rid of the deck that was falling apart. Dave, a good friend from church "volunteered" to help Jared pull it out and re-set the posts holding up the patio cover as pay back for Jared's help over at his house. They had it out in just a few hours! Alan, Dave's father-in-law and a family friend of ours, doesn't like to sit still when he here's there's a house project to be done, so he showed up at our door, tools in hand. They actually had a great time working on it... at least that's how it sounded!

Here are the guys with a trailer full here of decking!

The big ugly step that needed to go. It was very awkward to get in and out of our house with the step, especially when there was a screen door that opened over the step. Jared went to town on it. It took two different phases with the sledge hammer, but it was gone!

A picture from Thomas' and my seat from inside the house!

Our wonderful "workmen" as T called them. (the orange guy and the white guy, always talked about them in regards to their shirts) They're working on getting the concrete out with the jackhammer. It took several hours, but they got it all.

Here's how they left the backyard, huge, ominous pieces of cement. One guy had the daunting task of returning the next day to remove it. 4 trips to the dumps and it was all gone.

After cement removal, we were left with this for the week. Thomas thought it was great fun. He quickly found his "safe" path through the concrete.
The following Saturday, after rain and with more rain coming and a baby shower for Audra the next weekend, the workmen were back and prepped the yard for the cement to be poured.

Finally, cement. These guys were amazing!! They started just before 7am and worked hard all day. This guy doing the smoothing was so much fun to work. Later he helped Thomas put his hand print in the concrete!

Awww, completion!! We then spent the next week impatiently waiting for it to dry. It was a chilly, cloudy week with the cement left to dry over the patio cover. Not the best situation, especially when you need it dry for 24 folding chairs and the tables to be set on it the next weekend... but thankfully it did dry enough and without too many scratches.

We're enjoying all the fun already!!

1 comment:

AML said...

what a project! it looks beautiful. it must be such a relief for you to know that the yard is done before baby arrives. you guys (read "jared has") have been busy. btw...still waiting to hear the name.