Sunday, June 13, 2010

funny things thomas has been saying

We're still going strong on the potty training thing here. Pooping has not been mastered. This morning he pooped, but it was in his underwear. I told him if that happend, I would dump them. As I was taking them off, I reminded him of the deal. His response, "It's ok mommy, I won't yell." Then as we talked more, he stated, "I'll try harder next time, I promise."

Then yesterday, he made his first joke. I heard it from a friend who had been in Nursery with him at church. He went over to Amy and told her that his button had "broke". She, being the great friend and wonderful mommy, investigated the situation. She discovered it was fine and reassured him that all was well. He said, "No, not that one!" Pulled up his shirt and said, "Not that one, my belly button!" Then proceeded to crack himself and Amy up! He loves to make people laugh,

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