Saturday, May 15, 2010

3rd Birthday Celebration Begins

My big boy turns three this weekend!! I can hardly believe it!! We wanted to do something special for his birthday, you know me and big parties, but with baby coming we decided to hold off on the party this year. We had always planned on doing parties every-other year and then on the off years he'll get to do something fun with us as a family or with a friend. This year Thomas asked to do something with Timmy, my cousin Molly's son. So, that became a trip to see the Nelson's to spend the night and go to the beach. Check out the fun we had!

Here are the two cousins having a grand ol' time in the play room. Thomas had been dying all day to get to Timmy's house. Every time we did anything he asked, "can we go now?" every where we stopped, "are we at timmy's now?" He had been totally out in the car and woke up when we stopped and shouted, "yay, timmy's house!" Earlier in the day he said, "Mommy, Timmy misses me." It was so cute to see how excited he was to see his cousin.

The next morning the boys had some more time to play then we loaded up the van and headed to the beach. These two were so excited, they could hardly stand it!

Check them out!! They were ready to get to that sand!! They were so excited to see the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and loved watching this roller coaster while we hauled out all that is required for a fun day at the beach.

A picnic lunch at the boardwalk just had to include a corn dog and chicken nuggets, oh, and of course french fries!!

Playing in the sand with the toys. Neither one of them had any desire to go near the water. That was fine with us, the water was freezing. The weather however was perfect. A wonderful chilly breeze to cool off the toasty sun! It couldn't have been better!

Aren't these two just plain cute!! I was determined to get a perfect picture of them.

Jared helped them dig a great big hole. They had a great time watching and were pretty patient as they waited to stand in in.

Instead of burying a toddler in the sand, Jared offered his leg. They had a great time filling in the hole and hiding Jared's leg.

Thomas loved giving Timmy hugs, it was pretty cute... but something he's going to have to figure out how to calm down. Whatever happened to his high-fives! It was sweet to see how much they enjoyed one another.

You can't go to the boardwalk without a ride on the carousel. They all loved it and rode away with big smiles.

They also got to ride the car ride. Timmy rode with this precious little girl they met in line. Thomas surprised us all and was excited to ride all by himself. He looked like such a big boy handing over his tickets and getting himself in the seat. He looked so grown-up and even brave as he waited for it to start. It didn't go to fast but did hurl the kids around the corners, which brought out a "whoa" and that wonderful laugh.

Check out that giddy face!

Another thing you can't leave the boardwalk without having is ice cream, yummy! The boys were thrilled they got to eat this before we even had dinner. It was a birthday celebration after all!!

Our happy family after a day in the sun! Yes, we did get burned... I sun-blocked the boys but somehow thought I was invincible. That was not a smart decision... oh well!! Thomas came home without a burn and talking about what fun he had!
Thank you Nelson Family for joining us for this birthday celebration! It was great making new birthday memories with you all and watching our boys start their list of special memories!

1 comment:

Audra said...

It's so cute and sweet how much Thomas loves all of his friends!