Friday, April 2, 2010

A Trip to the Dentist

Check out my big boy!!
There he sat just like that for the whole appointment. Jared went the week before and talked about how great it was and Thomas announced that he wanted to go as well. So, the day before his appointment, he went with me for a check up. He crawled up on my belly, laid down and watched the dentist's every move. He was set to go the next morning when it was his turn to go. Thankfully, Jared took him. I think it would've stressed me out. (I hate having mine cleaned and all he had witnessed with me was the dentist's part, so he wasn't scared by my reaction at all.) He did great. He sat there mouth open all by himself!

I was so thankful this went well because last week we had an emergency trip over there. He and his friend collided as they jumped on "big bear." Thomas' two front teeth right into Jake's forehead. He came out crying with gums and lips bleeding. It stopped pretty quickly, but the gum line above looked pretty nasty and his tooth was loose. I was convinced they were going to fall out and he'd be the poor kid going through the next couple of years with no front teeth. I could just see all the goofy pictures between now and then. We waited a couple of hours, but I just had to know if they were going to fall out. We stopped in at the dentist office and all the ladies were so nice to me. One of the assistants came out and took a look. She calmed my fears that the tooth would most likely tighten back up and be just fine. Just don't let him bite with it for a few days and watch for it to turn grey. I'm pleased to say that one week later it's looking good and in place.

1 comment:

Persicke Family said...

If his teeth had fallen out, he and Harrison could have been twins!