Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trauma at McDonald's

Today's windy, chilly weather made it a great day for an indoor play structure, so off we went to McDonald's. It was great! We ended up running into a friends little girl there with my friend's mom (who we all lovingly call Nana). I had a great time chatting with her and Thomas loved having a friend to run around with.

We had two traumatic events for our little ones. Poor H sent her new happy meal toy down the slide only to have it taken by another little boy. Thomas was quick to go and see what had happen when he saw how sad she was. I felt sorry for H because she's use to having a big brother fix all her problems and anxious to see just how Thomas would resolve the problem. He wasn't sure what to do after checking on her, but watched as Nana swept in to fix it. He'll learn shortly just what a big brother is suppose to do.

We don't go to McDonald's so this was a new play structure to him with high see through tunnels. I warned him it was high and reminded him that mommy couldn't go up there with him. He ended up following H up there and loved it.

Later, he tried by himself. From 100 feet, i'm sure it was more like 20, I hear a crying voice belonging to my son calling, "Mommy." H was sweet enough to run up there and help him and in the meantime I was able to talk him to the closed in tunnel. They sat at the top of the slide for several minutes, H telling him she could hold his hand, Thomas calling for me. It was so sweet to listen too.

All this time, my heart is breaking for him, but I'm worried about me, my booty and preggo belly crawling up those tiny stairs and then through the tunnel, poor Nana is worried about how she's going to get up there. H was sweet enough to wait for Thomas and we convinced him from the bottom to come on down.

My heart was filled with joy as his tears turned into laughter as he slide on down. Although, he was quick to say he wasn't going to do it again.

Today I'm thankful for his sweet little friends and the chance to see these relationships grow. Also to see them learning how to be friends.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

poor thomas...and mama. i always think of this exact scenario whenever i see an indoor play structure at a fast food place. they sure don't make those things parent-crawl-up-into-and-save-their-toddler friendly, do they? glad to hear T didn't have to end up sleeping at mcdonalds overnight.