Friday, April 16, 2010

Thomas' Milestones

I love my friend's view point on her blog, it is written for her and hopefully for other's to enjoy. She's pointed out several times that she gets things written down there so it's in a place for her to simply have it written down. We use to call them baby books, but seriously who ever pulled those off the selves as often as they wished they had. I love her idea and wish I had treated this more like that. I'm sure some of you are thinking, really Katharine, do we need to know more about Thomas. No, you probably don't. But I did. There are so many things he has done and is doing that I don't know when he started. In all reality, other than memory sake and just knowing when he first pointed out a red octagon, we'll all survive without knowing the date. However, I am hoping to take on a little bit about my friend's attitude, that this blog is for me (I so appreciate that attitude and love getting to read all the stories, so thank you, A). To remember, to reflect and to share, that's the goal!

So, that being said, here's what Thomas is doing lately. Of course there are so many things I'm sure I'm forgetting, but I'll just have to get those down later.

* He can identify a circle, an oval, a square/rectangle, a triangle, a diamond, a pentagon and an octagon.
* He knows his colors successfully now and purple is his favorite
* He can count objects up to 9 successfully and a little higher with help
* He can write a T, almost an H and an O
* He loves to tell me when to stop and go at the stoplights. If it were up to him we would drive really fast most of the time
* He would rather go to another store than come home
* He loves to play his drum and make music
* He still love Minnie Mouse and sleeps with her, Baby Buzz, Mama Doggie, Papa Bear, Baby Dog, Little Mickey, Giraffe, the all important Mrs. Cat, Pat-pat, blue blankie and other blue blankie (a very distinct difference) and sometimes Big Buzz and Handy Manny. No, not always at the same time, but yes, most of them.
* He will pee-pee on the toilet all by himself, but hates it when I take off his diaper and shouts, "don't let me poop!"
* Thankfully this weekend he discovered he likes to wear big boy underwear, but still needs to remember when he sits on the toilet to pee, he has to take them off
* He loves to say things just to get a reaction out of me, like stupid (we're working on that one!)
* He loves to play outside and help me water the plants
* He loves to be in charge of Bailey (the dog), tell his Grandma's where to go to play with him and strongly suggest what he and his friends should play (also working on this one!)
* He doesn't like to color, but loves to sit and play play dough
* He loves to play games with anyone that will sit and play
* He loves to read stories, especially Dr. Seuss. Go Dog Go is a favorite and he can "read" most of the pages
* He loves oranges and bananas, but forgot that he loved peaches and strawberries last summer
* He'll try everything that we give him, but will tell us if it isn't so good
* He loves beef, meatballs, sausage, bacon, all the greasy stuff. It kills me to see him eat some of that stuff!!
* He has the most horrible scowl that he'll give you when you've done something he doesn't like. We call them his "angry eyes."
* He also has the best smile and the most contagious belly laugh
* He can take off his own clothes and put them on with only a little bit of help. When it comes to shoes with laces, he can say the bunny rhyme with help, and makes sure you do it correctly.
* He has named his baby brother "Alex" and I'm excited to see if he sticks with it, even if we don't
* When I remind him that he's not in charge, he's shocked!
* I'm more thankful for him everyday, feel more blessed every day and pray for more strength, consistency and patience everyday! He's a boy with a sweet personality, but I pray for help as his personality is shaped and disciplined. I love this little guy and so blessed to have been chosen to be his mommy!!

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