Friday, March 19, 2010

A Trip to the Zoo

Laura and I met up with the boys at the zoo last week. They had a blast playing together and checking out all the animals, which of course included making all the animal noises. They were hilarious as they came up with words and noises to either make a song about or just repeat so they could laugh. Laura and I enjoyed simply watching them and of course catching up. She's due with her precious baby any day now and I've got a ways to go, so it was fun to compare notes and talk about what we are going to do with two little people in the house!!

Back to the zoo though... I got a couple of fun shots to keep a memory of the day.

Here's Thomas with a Red Tail Hawk. He thought it was pretty cool to check him out really close. Check out where his hands are. I told him he had to be quiet, so he tip-toed over which means his hands have to be close to his body, it's pretty cute to watch. He did like seeing the bird and I couldn't believe we got this shot!

Here are the boys cracking one another up. C had made up a song about Orangutan (which was just saying the word musically) and they thought it was hilarious!! They did also like the animal here, a lemur.

Thomas wanted a picture with me on the statue, so here we are!

Then we got one of the boys!! Such fun!

Laura and I met up with the boys at the zoo last week. They had a blast playing together and checking out all the animals, which of course included making all the animal noises.

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