Thursday, March 18, 2010

More Funny Thomas Sayings

Yesterday while rolling a ball, he asked me to join him, here's how the following conversation went.
Me "Opps, I missed."
T: "It's ok mommy! Try again. Do it like this."
He then proceeded to show me how to roll the ball.

This morning's response to me telling him we're going to the park:
"Yay, with Leo! Oh wait, that's on Cailou, I guess."
Then frowned and shrugged his shoulders. No worries, he was excited to hear his real friends would be there.

His response, lately, to Jared and I laughing when he's not in the room, "Mommy," said sternly with a confused expression and angry eyes, "Stop kidding!"

Also, he threw his first full out temper tantrum. Face down, on the floor, legs and arms flayling. Well, I should say half-heartedly flayling. Then snuck a quick peak up to check out my reaction. Which was a laugh and an "are you serious?" When he realized it didn't work he gave up and went back to his most consistent reaction, the angry eyes. Neither of which worked and he left the house wearing the shirt I picked out and not the pajama shirt.

This almost three thing is lots of fun!! He's pushing those limits, but discovering all sorts of new things and expanding his vocabulary.


Persicke Family said...

Good you can laugh at it... I love expanded vocabularies!

Audra said...

ok, so I know a temper tantrum isn't good, but I think T would throw a pretty cute one. His angry eyes make me laugh too!