Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More "Funny Little Things"

Thomas is such a little boy now, it's so much fun!! I love our little conversations and the imagination he is showing. Here are just some of things he's kept us laughing with lately.

*Most of his stories start with "once upon a time" and end just one sentence later. They are usually about an animal doing something.

*Daisy and Mickey go with us everywhere. He's such a sad, crabby little boy when they get left in the car. Today he picked out a Daisy Pez dispenser. I was going for Mickey, but Daisy's great, too (for a girl!). : )

*He loves to play with his friends and asks everyday who he can go play with.

* Thinks he can have candy whenever he wants. When he gets a no response he slyly pretends like he's going to take one anyways. He just sneakily smiles and looks at me to see what I'll do.

* He's afraid of, but loves monsters. Anytime they are on TV or people are talking about them he runs out of the room but quitely sneaks back so he can just barely see the TV.

* Everyday when Jared gets home Thomas tells him all about his day, with a little help from Mommy. Yesterday he was telling him about playing with a friend, he turned to me and asked what the babies name was, i answered and he turned back to Jared and told him very matter-a-factly as if Jared couldn't hear me answer.

* Yesterday after we found out we were having a boy, Jared and Thomas were discussing it in the car. He told Thomas that Auntie has a baby boy in her tummy and mommy has a baby boy in her tummy. Thomas' response was, "they're matching!"

There are so many more things, but this preggo brain leaves me forgetting the running list that was in my head... hope they come back. I've got to get these things down somewhere!!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Loved this post! Too cute! Thanks for sharing the sweet moments you share with your growing boy.