Monday, January 11, 2010

The Memory Verse

Hiding God's Word in our heart is one of the most important things we can do! Since Thomas was a baby I've looked forward to memorizing verses with Him. I was so impressed when a friend mentioned that 2 little boys had memorized a verse at 2. Could it really be done? I had to try! To top it off they had memorized Eph 4:1 & 2, condensed. It says, "Honor your Father and Mother, in the Lord, for this is right." What a great start! We started when he was just over 2 and broke it down in to small pieces and after several months he had the whole thing. It's been so helpful for those discipline times, I even have him say it to me after a time of punishment.

For Christmas, I decided it was time to learn a new one. We went with a verse out of Luke 2. "Glory to God in the Highest and peace on earth and goodwill to men."

It took us a long while and many different videos to get it recorded. Thankfully we did finally get one done. You can tell in the video he was over sitting still and wanted to get back to playing.

1 comment:

Persicke Family said...

AWESOME!!! This is great! Great job sticking with it Katharine. What a blessing!