Monday, January 18, 2010

Growing Boy and a Growing Baby

Thomas cracks me up!! He is at an age when he is learning and absorbing so much. Still fascinated with things everyday and coming up with new things to play. Here's just a few of them:

- He loves to read to me. He picks a book we've read several times together and tells me different things about the characters. If it's a Dr. Seuss book, he "reads" some of the easy to remember words. Then he asks me questions.

- He loves to play cowboy. He wears his hat, rides the stick horse, plays his radio cowboy song and then swings the hat in the air shouting "giddie-up cowboy."

-His favorite movie is Madagascar. He runs around the house or dances or stands still and says, "We like to move it" and then shouts as loud as he can "MOVE IT." He does this at church on the stage, in the nursery, in the car or at the store.

- He can tell you where his house is. "Where's my house, Mommy." Answering his own question says, "Oh yeah," then rattles off his street name. Then laughs because he thinks it's a silly name.

- Takes his guys everywhere. (Either Alex, Mickey or Daisy)

- So many more, I could keep going. I'll leave you with this. Last week when we were in the maternity store he discovered the manequins (well, the middle part, booty to shoulders) hanging on the wall displaying the bras and panties. He announced to the quiet store, "Look at those animals!" Yep!! He loves his animals! I informed him that if he calls me an animal when I have a belly, I will cry!!

So, that's our Thomas!! Growing and making me laugh everyday!!

Now for the new one!!
He or she is now 14 weeks old. We've started seeing our doctor at Kaiser and I think I'm going to like it there. I'll see a midwife next week, get all those fun labs taken care of and get our 20 week ultrasound scheduled. Lord willing, we'll know pretty soon just what "kind-of baby" we are having.

I've noticed some similarities with the two pregnancies so far. I love peanut butter, have to have it. I love fruit, can't get enough. Second trimester started with a breath of fresh air. Feeling much more alive, energized and not quite so sick!! Sleep at night between trips to the bathroom. Fall asleep on the sofa in the middle of perfectly good shows. Will most likely miss this season of 24, just like I did with Thomas. Hate cooking!! Jared doesn't like to talk about names until we know what we are having, still won't this time around. Finally, me feet already hurt!!

Differences so far, crazy hungry already!! Didn't want to eat for the first 14 weeks with Thomas (lost 17lbs), this one makes me eat every two hours. Now, I can't seem to eat enough!! Thankfully though, if it's carby or sugary i don't feel so good. So, I'm eating healthy and haven't gained wait yet (lost 9 lbs). My skin is horrible!! Terrible breakouts since I got pregnant. I've had 2 horrible, keep me in bed all day headaches, and working on a third right now. I read something online everyday and had a stack of books I was working through. This time, cracked one book once and haven't signed up for baby center. Also, totally fine with not discussing names. Had a long list by this time last time. Now, it kinda stresses me out and over-whelms me!! Never got that "nesting feeling" or desperate need to clean random spaces. This time, already feeling it. Have to have the play room cleaned, re-organizing craft storage/cleaning supply area, cleaned some of the carpets, randomly scrub spots, more than the necessary keep it clean type, the deep spring cleaning kind. Finally, this one has me a little cranky and more sensitive.

So, with all those similarities and differences, what's your guess?! Is it a girl or a boy?


Alexis said...

It's gonna be a girl! YAY!

The Momphers said...

Lets hope girl!!!