Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mom's Group Park Day

What fun it is to hang out with mommy friends and their kids at the park. The kids are having a blast running around, swinging and sliding and you get to sit and talk with friends. They have someone to play with and so do you! Today was a great day for that. We had a small group from our Mom's Group meet up at a local park and we had a great time!
Thomas was cracking me up and exploring everything. No fear in him today! Before I knew it he had climbed all the way up to the top of the structure and was sliding down all by himself, not evening needing me to watch. Growing up so fast! He also managed to climb up this ladder looking thing and make it back down safely! His new favorite thing has definitely become climbing. That and jumping. I feel a broken arm in my future. Pray for us!!

Another thing I found cute today, was T's new love for his new back pack. We picked out yesturday and he loves it!! It was so cute, he and his friend went running for the swings, took a moment to confer, turned around, took off the back packs and set them down on the curb in unison, made sure they were ok and then ran back to the swings. Too cute~

1 comment:

Alexis said...

don't know how i missed this post. so glad i stumbled upon it. i can't believe thomas is big enough to climb to the top of the structure and go down all on his own now. what a brave boy. we will be praying that all his bones stay intact as he pursues new adventures. what a fun day!