Tuesday, November 15, 2011

[Y]ou don't really know a person until you know what moves him most deeply. It makes no sense to say that we know God when we are not acquainted with his strongest desire and with the goal that guides all his actions. But if we don't know him, then we can't worship him and we can't imitate him. In other words, if we are to be faithful children of our heavenly Father who worship him and imitate him as we ought, then we must answer [this question]."
-Pastor Jon Piper, http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/the-biggest-question-in-the-universe

Such a great reminder for me today over on the desiring God blog.  You see, our women's retreat this year was so good.  A great time of remembering how great our God is and to really have a relationship with Him, we have to know Him.  If we want to know what He wants for our life, we have to know who He is.  When we pray for others, we have to know the one that we can pray for and give peace beyond all understanding.  I was reminded of what an amazing and awesome God we serve and there is so much about Him that I don't remember half the time or even know.  If I truly knew Him like I should, how would I be able to do anything other than worship Him with every step I took.  My prayers would be more specific, more personal and worship more heart felt.  That is my goal between this year and next, to get to know the Lord, my God in a truer and deeper way.

So off I go to dig deep into His Word and enjoy the book Desiring God, by none other than Jon Piper.

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