Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sweet Moments on a Hard Day

I have a big post running through my brain that I just can't seem to post.  My sweet beautiful Grandma went to glory just a short 4 weeks ago.  It was the most difficult joyful situation I've ever been through.  I have so much about that week, her service and her that I want to share and just get down here for memories sake, but today is not that time.  soon.

In the meantime, here are some pictures that I love from those days:

The boys looked so cute and so big in their dressy clothes, I just had to get a picture.  They were more than happy to climb all over the rocks for me to get a few.

We had a luncheon and managed to get all the little ones in close for a picture!  There are 24 great grandkids (missing a few here), all under 9.  There are such a fun group of kiddos.  The babysitters that watched over them for the service were impressed with our sweet little group! : )

There are also 5 more on the way!  So we couldn't miss out on the photo op here.  L to R: My sister, due in Feb, Oldest cousin, Monique due in Feb, Nicole, due in Feb., Cyrena due in April, Molly, due in May.  All, but Audra, with their 3rd child.  Grandma knew all were coming and could tell you their correct due dates just the week before.

My Thomas and his buddy, Timmy.  Always have such fun together!
This day was such a tribute to the love shown and given by Grandma.  A testimony to the love that the Holy Spirit filled her with and that grew out her love for the Lord!  Such a beautiful blessing!!

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