Friday, September 30, 2011

Walk Like Jesus

Mom's Group, oh wait, Mother's of Faith (our new official name I just haven't gotten use to) has officially began it's 5th season!  I've been dying to share about it here, but there seems to be less and less time these days for blogging.  I did want to share a little bit about what 's going on in this part of my life.

This year, our group has changed.  I've been given full responsibility of leading/running the group. In addition to the leadership, myself and another gal, are doing the teaching.  Talk about a stretching experience!!  The leadership part is great because I have an awesome group of 5 gals that I work with.  The teaching, well even with Hannah's help, that is stretching!  We asked each other last week just why we thought we could do this.  However, we know this was prayed over and that we are doing this with a bunch of support.  So, off we've gone!

We selected a great book, Give Them Grace, by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson.  It's a great book! It's an awesome book!  It's a deep and hard book.  It totally made me look at everything I've been doing as a mother and stop and think.  It's left me wondering and wishing I could start over!  (ok, maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration).  It's all about gospel-centered parenting and taking every opportunity, every punishment, fight and praise worthy thing my boys do and turning it back to Jesus.  Sharing with them the grace He gave us on the cross.  Sharing with them that we can do nothing apart from what He has done for us.  All we have and all we are, the glory goes to Him.  It's great.  It's a wonderful way to live.  It's hard.  And it's convicting!! and I HAVE to teach it, which means I have to live it!  yikes!!  Thankfully, I've gotten to see God's grace through it all.  Pray for me!

We've had two lessons so far. Hannah introduced the book last week and I took the first week to talk about our memory verse for the year and share our theme for the year. what it is and why we chose it.

I'm really excited about the year and while I'm scared, I'm really excited about the teaching.  I excited for the opportunity to teach and to learn.  I look forward to sharing about the journey on this blog as well!  So, keep an eye out for the logo above.  I'll stick it in whenever it's a MOF (Mother's of Faith) related blog.  There really is so much to share!

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