Thursday, September 8, 2011

A New Toy

Benjamin LOVES the vacuum.  I can't just say that he likes it because that is a total understatment.  He LOVES it.  He's so excited when it comes out.  Today he was complaining, almost crying because I wouldn't use it.  When it was turned on he went and hid, but peeked around the corner to watch it and was so excited to see it turn the corner.  He gets frustrated that he can't push it, but keeps on trying.  We have a small electric vacuum kinda thing that he will get into the pantry any chance he gets just to play with it.  It's cracks me up!!

So this weekend after I cleared out some of his old toys at our garage sale, I replaced it with the obivious, a vacuum!!  He could hardly contain his excitment when he saw what was next to him in the shopping cart.  It's been a great success and very popular.  I got these pictures just a few moments after he had spent 5 minutes vacuuming the kitchen.  He walked across the room moving it forwards and backwards just like he sees me do with the real one.
 He was happy to just hangout under the table pushing it around.
 He then rested agaist the cabinet when he finished.  Just him and his vacuum hanging out!

Now, if only I can get this love affair to carry on when he can push the real one around.  p.s. why don't they make the little ones to suck things up.... hmm... maybe that's why...they'd suck things up!!

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