Monday, December 5, 2011

We have a tree!!

As tradition would have it, we broke out the Christmas decorations the day after thanksgiving and decorated as many corners of our home as possible.  The boys loved exploring all the trinkets and snowmen.  I loved getting out all our special, Christmas items that hold so many memories.

Benjamin was fascinated with these little red balls.  Only one met the floor.  We put the rest away.

Thomas took this picture and now I'm so glad he did. This is a special little pile to me.  A memory of a ceramic tree made by my Grandma Stansberry.  It sat on the hutch every Christmas since my very first.  In the last few years, it made it's way into my home.  Well, this year when the box (a hair dryer box from the 80's), we found it in pieces.  I cried.  Literally shed tears over the loss of this memory (of the tree and my Grandma) collected a few of the lites, the star and a little bird and Jared took it away.  So silly how close we hold items to our heart.  However to my defense, when I told my sister she cried to (who cares if she's pregnant, it made me feel a little less silly)

More fun stuff, though.  Here's our special tree that we rescued from the OSH lot!!  It's been crazy windy this past week, so all the trees were still wrapped.  Our choosing wasn't quite as fun as all the trees look the same when still in twine.  We chose one that was a little open, but leaning against the rest.  It's definitely the tallest tree we've had and it was even nice and full.

Benjamin was fascinated with the lights.

Thomas couldn't wait to check out all the ornaments as they came out of their wrapping.

This year Thomas got to stay up after his brother went to bed and help hang the tree.  He felt so grown up and special with this extra time.  He kept talking about how exciting it was and how big he is.

He was actually a big help with the lights and happy to hold them and lead me around the tree.  I'm the light hanger, it drives Jared nuts.  He gets so crabby, it's kinda funny!  Thankfully, he was more than willing this year to finish off the top since my short height couldn't reach the top of our very tall tree.

Obviously, this is just a moment before Benjamin was taken to bed.  He wanted to be like big brother and hang the lights as well.  He took two big piles and stuffed them inside the branches.

Thomas couldn't wait to place the star at the top.  He saw it and knew right away where it was suppose to go and just innately knew it was his job.

We had lots of fun hanging the ornaments and telling Thomas about the special memories that so many of them hold.  (Looking at the picture you can see a few of the clusters and see just how high I can reach.  Jared's level is just a little empty!!)
What a special memory decorating the tree was this year.  So sweet sharing and starting this memory with Thomas.  The little conversations, the laughter and just the excitement of sharing the newness to him and the joy of seeing him grow up.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Umm... maybe it's hormones or exhaustion, but I cried again just reading about Grandma's tree breaking.