I can't believe it! It's gone so fast. I almost cried last night at the thought of having to turn his car seat around. 2 big boys in my back seat! Crazy!!
Ben is the sweetest little boy with a wild and crazy side. I think he's all boy and going to give me a run for my money. His favorite thing to do is crawl as fast as he can into a pile of what ever and then slide them all around and lay flat on his belly on top of the mess. It cracks us up. He generally smiles easily for everyone. He is so ticklish, almost everyspot on his body is a tickle spot. and he has the best laugh about it. He loves balls. He will chase them, throw them, roll them and eat them. He loves anything that rolls or spins. When he gets hurt or mad he cries loud and non-stop until someone comes to rescue him. If you smiled at Thomas and told him he was ok, he believed you. Not Benjamin, he has to be heard and wants you to feel his pain. He loves to explore and see all sides of things. He loves to get down on his belly and look under things. He is fascinated with his big brother and watches everything he does.
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