Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Early Morning Gifts

Not to long ago I wrote about the gift of early morning walks with a friend. Well, we made it through the cold winter mornings and our perseverance ironically faded as it warmed up. I guess life just gets busy. Don't worry, we still get out most weeks at least once. But, on to the point of this blog...

However, I've got a new blessing early in the mornings. Before the sun is even up. My dear husband rises at the crack of dawn so that he can be home with us before the day is over. He has a long commute and wants time at home before the boys and the sun go down. He was getting up at 4am and I could tell it was getting old. In the last couple of weeks things have changed. I said if he would get up closer to 5am, I would go to bed with him at 9:30, so that I could get up with him in the morning. What a blessing it has been!

We are able to have a little bit of conversation. He gets a healthy lunch packed for him. A kiss on his way out the door from a wife whose eyes are actually open! He is blessed by this.

After he leaves, I get a quiet home. One that is perfectly made for a warm cup of coffee and time spent in the Word. I have been so blessed. I'm hungering for more and more of His Word. I'm able to study, to actually study. Thanks to His grace and a good cup of coffee, I can actually think about what I'm reading.

Usually anywhere between 6:15 and 7:15 I hear the sweet footsteps of my almost 4 year old come running down the hall, looking for me to snuggle with and the sweet morning cries of my 8 month old. Both ready to begin their day. Instead of greeting those sounds with a deep sigh and "I guess I better get up now" thought, I'm able to greet them with open arms. They are blessed.

In my heart, I'm being obedient. I'm seeking to obey God's Word and live fully for Him right where He has me. How richly I am being blessed.

#27 Happy feet coming down the hall
#28 Early morning snuggles
#44 Energy found in the early mornings

1 comment:

AML said...

Praise God! When we give our time to him, he gives us more than enough.