Saturday, January 29, 2011

and Thomas says...

So Thomas has been coming up with some funny things to say lately. Here are the ones that I can remember from the last few months. I want them down somewhere so I don't forget them.

when asking to do something he said:
"ok, I'll do that in a few whiles."

while banging his knee pad on the wall:
"this is nifty!"

while sitting on the futon with me:
"no mom, it's a crouton, not a futon."

while hugging his beagle dog from Grandma Matlock:
"this is my new sea gull"
me: "you named your new beagle, sea gull?"
him: "no mommy, he is a sea gull."
me: "no thomas, that dog is a beagle, sea gulls live on the beach."
he's still not sure he believes me, so we named the beagle sea gull

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