Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So Thomas has been pretty funny lately. He's talking like a real little person and it is so much fun. I find myself having almost real conversations with him. I found myself trying to have a conversation with Benjamin the other day and was reminded of what life was like before Thomas was talking. Along with this talking also come sass!! That part, not so fun. But I thought I'd share the funny stuff with you, no one really wants to hear about sass.

Whenever Thomas is dragging his feet on following directions, in a store or getting in the car, I tell him he's "lollygagging."

Today I guess I was taking too long to get something for him and he said, "Mom, you're lollygagging me." (ok, so I guess I am sharing some sass after all!).

Yesterday, I again lollygagging on getting him breakfast. He has asked me to get him something to eat, I was on facebook, so taking longer than I should have. He asked me again and I said,
"Ok, I'm really going now." Then sat for seconds.
He said, "I don't hear any feet."

Where does he come up with these things!! Yes, I realize that was sassy too. I guess we have to work on that more than I though. But he was pretty clever!

1 comment:

AML said...

that is too funny!