Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So much to say, so little time...

So God has been teaching me some serious lessons lately. If I had them all straightened out in my head I would share them with you. But I'm still processing, still learning and still being stretched. What I do know is, I'm glad God loves me so much that He is teaching me. I know He is sovereign. I know I have so much more to learn. I praise Him for growing more love for Him and my family in my heart. I praise Him that I am finally sleeping, praying that continues. I praise Him that Benjamin is sleeping at night and praying that he will sleep better during the day. I praise God that He is with me every step of the way! So, so much more to share, but that is for another time. For now, here's what you all really want, pictures!!

Their love for one another continues to grow!

Thomas loves to be near Benjamin as much as he can!

Thomas, all of the sudden, is such a big boy!! Here he is all ready to have his teeth cleaned.

Like a pro, so not like his mama!
I will get better about taking pictures and will share more soon! Love you all!!

What kind of things would you like to see on the blog?! Who all is still reading? Or who has just started reading?! Leave a comment and let me know! It's hard to stay motivated to post if I don't know who is really checking it out!


AML said...

Love seeing the boys together! More pics of that. Can't get over how big Thomas is getting. He really is growing into a big boy. And if you are so inclined, feel free to share your struggles too. We can all grow from the experiences of other Moms. No one has it all together. You know I am a dedicated reader. So keep posting.

Rachel said...

I read! It's fun to keep up with what's going on in your life :) I agree: feel free to post your struggles--and successes! Honesty is so freeing and incredibly helpful when you end up finding out someone else is going through (or has gone through) the same thing you are :)

tommysmommy said...

will definitely share some of my struggles, just taking me a while to sort out what to say. thank you both for reading! i know there are more of you out there!!!!

natalie said...

i am here...don't give up on the blog!