Saturday, September 11, 2010

Love and Support

Grandma's are wonderful!! I know this from my own experience. There's nothing better than their loves, hugs and spoiling. The only thing that comes close to this is watching your own kids learn this for themselves. My boys have two of the best Grandma's a little boys and their mommy could ask for. I had a horrible couple of weeks just after B was born and they were there for us every step of the way. I wasn't sleeping and could hardly function enough to take care of myself, let alone the boys. Without a single thought, both my mom and J's mom jumped right in to help out. They spent many nights sleeping on our futon listening to the noisy monitor so I could attempt to sleep and Jared could function at work. I would not be a sane person by now if it hadn't been for them. They talked me through the tough mornings. Encouraged me in the Lord. Reminded me I would get through it. On top of that, they played with Thomas and took care of my sweet new baby. They were God's gift to me in those hard days and hours. I love them both in a whole new way now. What a joy for me to be loved by them, but even more to see the bonding between a Grandma and her grandsons grow and deepen. I thank the Lord everyday for them both!

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