Monday, August 16, 2010

Brotherly Love

What a joy it is to already see the love of brothers. Thomas loves his little brother, even when he is screaming his head off!! He is excited to wake up and see him, even to wake up Benjamin when he should be sleeping. He loves to give him kisses and to show him all sorts of things. He even shares his special blue blanket with him, just like he said he would. What cracks us up is that he hardly calls him Alex anymore. He mainly calls him "baby" which I am determined to at least get him calling him a name. Such a special treat, though, for Mom to see her two boys build a relationship. I can't wait to see Benjamin respond to Thomas. He already loves to look at him and calms down when T talks to him. What fun it'll be to see Thomas' joy when Benjamin actually does something back!

Thomas loves to sit in the recliner with Benjamin. Now that B is a little bigger he sits in the little corner all snuggled in next to T.

Kisses, kisses and more kisses

He loves to lay in bed all snuggled in with his little brother. Notice the blue blanket that has B all snuggled in!

1 comment:

AML said...

love seeing the boys together. they are going to have such a special relationship.