Friday, July 16, 2010

His Arrival

Finally, the big day arrived!!

Wednesday evening my parents and sister met up at our house for an afternoon of preparations, dinner together and just hanging out. Audra spent the day helping me (which means, doing) make a roman shade for the baby room. We got the house picked up, packed the last few things and headed to bed by 10:30. It was late, but that's ok, I didn't sleep anyways. I woke up in the night with a sick tummy... it was awful. Horrible pains, awful.

We left Thursday morning for the hospital by 5:30am to arrive to a very busy labor and delivery wing. We waited and waited for the nurse, as I sat there still not feeling so hot. Finally the doctor arrived and was pulled out of the room by a nurse. The floor was full, there wasn't a bed for me. We were sent home. By the grace of God, I did not face this announcement with tears, frustration or utter disappoint. I was immediately filled with peace, calmly changed and headed home. It had to have been the many prayers of friends and family. I went home, took a couple of hours to nap and feel better. Then spent the afternoon putzing around Home Goods with my mom, eating ice cream at Fentons and getting a pedicure. It was wonderful. We ate a BBQ dinner with my parents and Jared's and were headed to bed by 9!! I slept all night, woke up happy and ready to go!!

God is so good!!

I remained at peace during most of the surgery and was totally coherent to hear our Benjamin's first cries. It was strange having him arrive that way. Just show up, prep for surgery and then he's here, but more on that later! After he was born we realized in more ways just how much God's hand was on his arrival. He was breech, a c-section would have been ordered anyhow. He also had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice, and then knotted. If I had tried to deliver naturally it would have been traumatic and I would have had a c-section anyways. It was so awesome to see God's hand this entire time.

He is already a blessing to us. Filling our hearts and home with joy. Here are some pictures from the big day!

The knotted umbilical cord. The dr. thought it was so amazing he told Jared, grab the camera, you gotta get a picture of this!

He weighed in at 8lbs, 21 inches, just a little smaller than Thomas. If he had gone two more weeks like T, they would have been pretty close. We'll see how quickly Benjamin catches up.

Papa is showing Benjamin the special toy that big brother Thomas picked out just for him.

The Kile family and friends. They came by the hospital so ancy to meet the baby they had been waiting for. They were all excited to watch Thomas for us on Thursday. Friday was Allie's birthday party. They were happy to include a trip to the hospital in the party plans. What fun it was to see all the girls ohh and ahh over the baby, even Pastor!

The proud Auntie and Uncle excited to meet the new brother. It was Auntie's birthday as well, she was more than proud to share her special day with this little guy! You can see my cousin Molly in the background. She and our good friend Rachel came to celebrate the big day as well.

Grandma and Grandpa Matlock had some special time with baby Benjamin on Friday.

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