Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Poll

Time is getting closer quickly and it won't slow down anytime soon. We're getting closer to settling on a name, but thought it'd be fun to throw it out to you guys! What do you think? There are two polls, a place to vote for your favorite and a place to vote for your least favorite. It's a list of names we both like, some more than others. If you have another idea or comment, just leave it as a comment to this post and be sure to vote!! It closes on the 26th!!


benjiboo said...

My youngest is Benjamin Luke, so I'm a little partial to those two names... but I always said if I had another boy I'd name him Andrew. LOL--we have the same taste! Love it!

Persicke Family said...

Great idea.. wonder where you got this idea...:)
Hope this helps in the decision making!

AML said...

so much fun! thanks for giving us a sneak peak at the names. although you'll probably go with something completely different in the end. it is fun to see what others think but don't be swayed if you think people won't like it. go with your gut and he will end up with the perfect little name for him. i personally like names with meaning or family significance. And of course how it sounds with the lase name. He is a boy after all. His name isn't gonna change. Be sure to consider nicknames too. Have fun girl. I had a hard time narrowing down my faves from your list. You have some good strong names to choose from. Good luck.

tommysmommy said...

wow, you all really don't like Dylan!!

Molly said...

I voted for Benjamin, but I'm torn between Benjamin and Andrew....